Why KitchenHub

We know how to help your business grow. Our technology is designed to simplify multi-channel online ordering.
Streamline online ordering operations

Streamline operations

You don’t need to re-enter order into your POS or 86 numerous menus. All operations can be done through single tablet with KitchenHub application. Employees can save up to 23% of their time on taking orders in a single device.
One person can manage all online delivery channels
Less stress spent on incorrect orders
Improve bringing time
Save on labor costs

24/7 Dedicated support team

Our customers are really feel supported and cared for. You can easily reach us out 24/7 via messengers or other ways of communication. We can also give you some tips if we see inaccuracies or errors in the results of your work.

KitchenHub Client
satisfaction score

98% satisfied
76% clients would recommend us
0% of requests were not resolved
* Data based on the results of customer research in 2020.
Earn more with KitchneHub

Earn more

Connect more virtual stores on top of your brand and utilize 100% of your kitchen capacity. If you don’t have your own virtual brands, you can choose one of the proven brands from our partners.
Add endless number of 3rd party deliveries
Take orders through social networks
Take online orders via  your website or we can make you one
We can offer more than 150 virtual brands for your restaurant
“Order management”
“Insightful analytics and reporting!”
“Aggregate all your online orders”

You focus on clients we take the rest

Better service leads to more business. With KitchenHUB you get Less overhead cost, save time and Improves efficiency in front of house, as a result happy client

Get in touch with us to discuss the particular details of your needs and set up a free guided demo to see KitchenHub in action.

It's free and with no obligations

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