Why do you need POS when there is a KitchenHub!

I feel like KitchenHub by far the best decision that we've made and I would not change anything about it
Burgers 2GO
You can always find the right solution with the right partners
Silvio Tossini

The food truck became a dark ki


In 2020 I had an old food truck that I bought with borrowed money and worked for a while with varying success. Once it broke down and the repair was estimated at a huge amount of money, which I did not have. I had 2 options - to leave everything as it is and save up for repairs, or turn it from a food truck into a stationary mini-kitchen. We moved the truck to my friend's parking lot in downtown and started selling it online. We became a delivery-only kitchen through Uber Eats, Postmates, GrubHub, and DoorDash.

ready 2 GO

 The Kitchen looked like an observation point, printers and tablets were everywhere. I started looking for a POS system to combine everything or change something, it was very inconvenient to work this way. I contacted KitchenHub, after 30 minutes they explained to me that I did not need POS. All tasks are solved through one simple application with great functionality.


“I feel like KitchenHub by far the best decision that we've made and I would not change anything about it.”

 Now we are finishing renovations in a new location and launching a full kitchen, and adding virtual brands.  If you want to increase revenue without opening new stores, you have to corporate with KitchenHub and add on delivery-only brands to your kitchen.

Learn more about KitchenHub. Let us show you how it works.

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